Sunday 14 December 2014

Everything you need to know about the influenza virus


As we contract the flu and how long the patient is the source of infection? Is there a cure for flu, be sure whether during his illness take vitamin C? In this article we will dispel all the myths about the flu, will tell you about common errors in treatment, as well as nutrition during this extremely unpleasant disease. Here you will find everything you need to know about the flu virus.

1. Is it possible to cure the flu such "antigrippoznymi" drugs such as "Antigrippin", "Theraflu", "Fervex" etc.? (All photos: Shutterstock)
No. These and only these drugs relieve the symptoms of the disease, but do not treat it. However, remember that taking antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs at the same time, you can not help yourself, and hurt, because very often they contain the same active ingredients, such as paracetamol. Therefore, taking several powders can exceed its safe dose, which in turn can lead to liver and kidney damage.
And is there a cure for the flu? Yes, there is a new generation of drugs against influenza, the so-called neuraminidase inhibitors. These drugs are used not only in treatment but also in prevention of influenza. They are effective only if they are taken at the beginning of the disease, ie, within 36-48 hours of onset of symptoms.

2. Does vitamin C in the treatment of influenza?

Vitamin C does not help in the treatment of influenza, but also does not hurt. According to research, vitamin C has no effect on the course of viral infection. It is proved that regular use of vitamin C prevents infection only in athletes who have prophylactic administration of this vitamin reduces the risk of colds in half.

3. What is the difference from colds and flu as they can be distinguished?

Flu symptoms are not specific, as it means that the various clinical symptoms caused by influenza virus can also be caused by other respiratory viruses, including influenza-like viruses. There are more than 200 viruses which can cause similar symptoms, such as the flu.

A characteristic feature of the cold, usually a reduction in nasal patency, i.e. runny nose, fatigue, weakness, sore eyes, cough. Fever, chills, loss of appetite, headaches, colds rarely observed.
The clinical picture of influenza is somewhat different: the disease starts suddenly, it is characterized by high fever, often above 39 degrees, which lasts up to 3 days, chills, headache, joint and muscle pain, severe weakness, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, dry cough attacks.

4. Is it possible to diagnose the flu at home?

The diagnosis of "flu" can be put on the basis of clinical symptoms during epidemics. But today there are so-called rapid tests for influenza, which in a few minutes will allow you to diagnose the disease and begin its adequate treatment.

5. How long does the flu can infect other people?

Adult man with the flu can infect others within 3-5 days after the onset of symptoms, the child can be a source of infection, even up to 7 days.

6. How do we contract the flu?

During direct contact with a person infected with influenza virus. The virus is transmitted by inhalation of microscopic secretions from the respiratory tract of the patient. Highest infectiousness occurs at the beginning of the disease.

7. Do I need to take antibiotics during the flu?

No. Antibiotics are not useful for the treatment of influenza, because they are only used to fight bacteria, but not viruses. Therefore, when influenza infection should avoid taking antibiotics, if this is no medical indication.

8. How can you protect yourself and your family from influenza virus infection?

The most effective and cheapest way to prevent influenza is vaccination. WHO recommends a flu shot can make all the wishes, vaccinations for children from 6 months of age. But vaccination is especially important for people at high risk - elderly people over 65 years old, adults and children with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, kidneys, patients with diabetes, HIV or cancer, as well as immunocompromised patients, carriers of streptococci, staphylococci or rods Haemophilus.

9. How can a vaccine developed in the previous influenza season, to help in the fight against new influenza viruses that are known to mutate very quickly?

Utilising the latest techniques of molecular biology, influenza virus strains used for flu vaccine is almost 100% compatible with those that appear in the next season, which is confirmed by laboratory tests.

When is it best to get vaccinated against the flu? Is it true that it needs to be done before October?
There are no special terms for vaccination, but people from high-risk groups should be vaccinated as soon as vaccine for the current season will be available in pharmacies. For information on when you need to be vaccinated, the doctor decides that takes into account the state of your health, not whether you are taking antibiotics, did not do in the near future other vaccinations.

10. Many people believe that the flu vaccine is ineffective, and create a vaccine pharmaceutical companies just for the sake of profit, is it true?

Vaccine - a benefit of modern medicine that helped mankind to cope with many diseases that had previously represented a mortal danger to humans. Today, thanks to vaccination, many diseases occur more easily, and some have been eliminated. The situation is similar with the flu virus - for decades vaccination against influenza has become an effective way to deal with it. Therefore, consider a flu shot in the category of pharmaceutical company profits means to erase the results of the scientific achievements of many scientists.

11. drink, drink and drink again.

During the flu need to drink more drinks than usual. During his illness our body loses a lot of fluid and its filling needs to function properly and fight the infection. The best drink during the flu - is water with honey and lemon juice - especially when it helps sore throat and cough. According to research by Israeli scientists, the children who had taken half an hour before sleep 10 g of honey, less coughing and better sleep. In addition, this warm drink calming and healing effect on upper respiratory tract, and the taste of citrus (lemon) improves mood.

Drink herbal tea also with lime, which has a diaphoretic effect and relieves fever and tea with ginger, which stimulates the immune system.

12. Do not drink cough syrup before bedtime.

If you have a wet cough, expectorant that can help you, but you should take it up to 4 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, you'll be up all night coughing.

13. Be sure to take antipyretic drugs, but only at temperatures above 38.5 degrees.

High body temperature helps our body to fight infection. But if the temperature increased rapidly and reached 38.5 degrees Celsius, you should immediately take antipyretics. Too high a temperature can be dangerous for the brain. You can also do a cold compress on the forehead, neck and in the groin area.

14. During the flu should stay home, rest and treatment.

Influenza patients need a lot of rest, so that the body effectively fighting infection. During the illness, it is desirable to stay at home because the weakened body is exposed to other infections, and also because the patient is a source of infection to others.

Do not underestimate the influenza virus, because it can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis media, and even myocarditis - damage to the heart muscle.

15. How to treat a cold?

From a cold inhalation efficiency: in a bowl, add the boiling water a few drops of essential oils - pine, lavender, eucalyptus - leaned over her, covered with the towel and breathe over the steam for 5 minutes. In the struggle with a cold will help you as sea water or saline solution, which is well blow my nose. And of course, special drops from the common cold, which can be used for about three days, so as not to dry the nasal mucosa.

16. Cough syrups will not only, but also warming up ointments, followed by rubbing the chest and back.

17. If you have a sore throat, rinse it with warm infusion of chamomile or thyme. And also drink warm hour with lemon and honey.

18. Prevention of influenza.

Drink probiotics and prebiotics, which are very effective in preventing and treating influenza and colds. Eat foods that contain probiotics, such as yogurt with live cultures of bacteria, sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers. Their preventive effect has been proven in many scientific studies that people who eat foods with probiotics, about three times less likely to suffer from infectious diseases.

19. From the common cold and flu - vitamin D.

This vitamin strengthens the immune system. Journal PLoS One published data 11 scientific studies that prove that vitamin D protects us from infections of the respiratory tract.

20. Wash your hands.

Excellent prophylactic against influenza - it's washing hands with soap and warm water (not less than 20 seconds). You can also use antibacterial gels and wipes for hands, but as it turned out, their use is less effective than a simple hand washing.

21. Finally, what to eat during the flu when there is no appetite?

Chicken broth - it is a great remedy for colds and flu. And all because during its preparation released cysteine (amino acid), which improves bronchial secretions, ie expectoration. In addition, the broth will provide your body with protein and zinc, which strengthens the immune system. Warm soup is also great moisturizes and warms our bodies, it is important to fight the flu and colds.

22. Fruit sorbet.

Help relieve sore throat, reduce swelling and bring relief if there was a sensation of dryness in the throat. In addition, it is perfectly moisturizes, which is especially important for the flu. Sorbet, made from 100 percent fruit juices provide you with nutrients and vitamins. We recommend that you sorbet strawberries, apples or grapes.

23. Garlic.

Has long been used in the treatment of human colds and flu, and all because that stimulates the immune system.

24. Vegetable juices.

Perfectly suited to those who have no appetite. They are well hydrated your body and deliver a lot of nutrients, so during his illness, we can replace the usual food.

Friday 12 December 2014

How meerkat Grisha found love


This remarkable story begins with the fact that one day the staff of one of Moscow superstore Media Markt found in one of their washing machines one lost meerkat. Grisha was very lucky - thanks to compassionate store employees he regained not only his master, but ... love!

 1. Grisha found in the washing machine, directly into the drum. He was fluffy, exotic and, of course, horrified. On the company's stand astonished store employees determined that this meerkat. It was decided to temporarily be called "son of the regiment" Grisha, announce the search for the owner, and until he was found - Grisha love as a mother.

 2. Master, however, did not have to search long. Thanks to the almighty Internet and the popularity of social networks Grisha (workers and Media Markt, of course, vied with each other to publish a new pet photo), the owner Grisha found just two days. Since then, it has been almost six months, but Grisha in Media Markt not forgotten. With the long-awaited arrival of spring, the joint efforts of the staff and the owner Grisha decided ... to marry!

 3. Gregory-fiance on the Internet is now even bigger star - still not every day on social networks across marriage announcements meerkats. Who just did not offer him a bride ... But Grisha from "mixed marriages" has decided to abstain, but the result was not long in coming - soon found his beautiful princess.

 4. bride named Nakata and she, as it should in such cases, the photos in a white dress.

 5. photoshoot Nakata decided to prepare very seriously as a real bride - twirling curlers.

 6. In general, it is very economical - immediately decided to "ask the price" to the pan.

 7. And here at Media Markt already have a photo kissing meerkats in the refrigerator!

8. Well, live young are, of course, in the washing machine. Joke icon smile Like meerkat Grisha found love